rainy day rainy ray

Dog park, 3-5 times a week, rain or shine. That was me standing in the freezing rain last night while my dog romped with the other hardcore dog owners. Ghengis met a couple french bulldogs last night and he had the time of his life. They were perfect for him. Small, but not with that weird delicacy you find in terriers (there’s nothing delicate about ghengis and it makes me nervous when the terriers want to rough house with him. Their legs are so thin compared to his.), super strong like ghengis and definitely playful. The only concern I have is that any mush-face dog has a really hard time staying cool in the heat so that will be a problem.
Also, the humane society has a puggle puppy for adoption right now. So tempted, but I really don’t want a puppy. I don’t want to go through house breaking again and I don’t want G-dawg to be a bully.
It’s all about the perfect match, you know.
I found my new food obsession…the noodle dishes at Evergreen (the hidden-in-the-basement, insanely good Taiwanese place by work). Today I had the sesame paste noodles, fabulous, later I’m going back to try the others. So good. So very very good. I love noodle dishes.
God, I’ve been talking about sushi so much lately, I totally want to make it. Soon! Who wants to come over for a sushi party? Bring the plum wine and sake, I’ll make the sushi.
what other non-sequiturs can i pop out here…
Congratulations to Ethan for his big big big happy happy happy news! Go you! (he can share in the comments section if he likes).
Congratulations to Elena on her big big big happy happy happy news of a different variety (she can share in the comments section as well). Frankly, i think this is a direct result of your lack of chones, but that’s just my opinion.
Still no definite plans this weekend. The weather is not allowing me to hold out much hope for a lot in the way of outdoor activities. I do hope I can get in some waffle eating at the coffee shop.
There’s a family of red breasted house finches in my back yard. Super cute, I hope I can watch the babies grow up.
the secrets lives of objects is of no concern to me
let’s all cross our fingers for dena and levi and hope they are approved to adopt the dog they want! If they get him, Suji will be his name. yay.
Who are the people who download those screensavers you see in banner ads?? There’s a list of internet activities that should get your hands smacked. Buying ANYTHING from an email with a return address like chestymcboobsalot@turducken.net, downloading any sort of free anything from an animated banner ad, convincing yourself that elongating your penis is a good idea.
I am remarkably well behaved and a model of self control.
The next major step in my new place is decorating. I suck at it, I have no eye for it. Apparently there are a lot of rules. I’m gonna wing it and see what happens. I’m not looking for feng shui or zen or anything, just pretty.
Also, many of you keep asking me what to get me for my house. I don’t really need anything. I’m pretty much set. What I definitely do not need is houseplants. I can’t keep them alive, i don’t even try anymore.
Setting up the fish tank soon. Maybe this weekend? Maybe! That’s a good, rainy day activity.
alright peep-masters, pop the corn til you drop the horn.


I’m helping the immensely charming Dena name the dog that she and Levi have not yet adopted. They have lots of name rules. I’m picking my brain (the crazy brain, not the regular one, that one is taking a break).
If one more person asks me if I watched the American Idol or Lost or Everybody Loves Their Own Butt finales I’m gonna start punching. Every time someone asks I end up having to explain that I turned off my tv reception and I don’t watch tv. Then I end up having to explain that I did it not for any uppity, ‘I’m better than pop culture’ reason, but for the exact opposite, I get sucked into shows too easily, I watch too much tv. Granted, I mostly tried to watch Discovery channel stuff when I got the chance, but still.
I ordered $120 worth of pizza for a department pizza party. My boss wanted me to go cheaper than last time (which was also $120, the time before that was $180). Of the good pizza places in town, Luce’s prices are pretty much the same as the others (and the pizzas are bigger than Galactic’s so be all earth friendly if you want, Luce is still the better deal). My boss tried to suggest Dominos and got voted down. Interestingly, it seems my vote carries more weight than his, so even if the result is 1-1 I will still win. This is how it should be.
Long weekend coming up. Haven’t even thought about what to do, yet. David wants to go hiking or kayaking or camping or something. I’d vote for canoeing or hiking or chilling at the coffee shop eating waffles, but that’s me. Also, still working on setting up the new place. Everything got railroaded by the UTI. Also, unpacking and putting away is boring and more interesting things keep coming up.
Still looking at dogs. It’s now my bad idea badge! The perfect dog will show up soon enough.
Ghengis needs a little buddy!!
Thanks for the emails of congratulations for the house sale and sympathy for the UTI.
Best poem ever. EVER.
When I was at the doctor’s office the other day i was reading a Minnesota Monthly or something and there was one of those little quarter page blurbs. When there is a local magazine with a blurb that contains the word ‘geegaw’ and a lamentation about modern architecture and and exaltation of old, already torn down buildings you just know it has to be James Lileks. Now don’t get me wrong, I like his writing and even own a couple of his books, but I always sort of glaze over when he starts going on about the ‘good old days of whatever’. The building he was writing about was a giant stone castle-eque structure that used to be a high school in St Paul that was built in the 1880’s and then had a wing added on later. I work in a building built in the 1970’s, an ugly building to be sure, but even in a building this relatively new compared to that monstrosity I know what a fucking pain in the ass it is to keep (at the very least) the HVAC systems functioning and we have modern systems in place. I look at that giant, old stone building and think “out dated wiring…too hot in the summer…too HOT in the winter with those damned boilers and no controls…no circulation…constantly clogged toilets”. Sigh, I need to stop working in this department.
OH JOY!!!!!!
Matt from the mailroom just handed me my tickets to the Austin City Limits Festival!!!! Now I have to find a safe safe safe place to hide these! Not only do I get to see three days of great music but I also get to hang out with Ethan which is a rare treat. Best part? He lives close enough that we can park halfway and walk! No shuttle buses, no billion-car traffic jams! Also looking forward to $4 heinekens and watching Mike Doughty.
Well, that made my day!
That and the 5 bucks i made on a bet. People need to stop betting me, I am the queen of relationship predictions.
Stay F.O.A.M.Y. my crazy P.E.E.P.S


The only thing of interest I have to say is that for the first time since I moved in to my place i’m making an actual dinner with actual ingredients that aren’t convenience food (well, the red curry paste came in a jar and the veggies were precut and frozen, but you know what I mean). So now we wait for Davidu-san to get his butt over here for thai red curry veggies (there’s chicken in mine, from leftover rotisserie chicken he got me last night because I was too sick to cook. Sigh, okay, lots of convenience food).
Also, it’s cool when you are sick and someone brings you ice cream, popsicles and chicken. yay.
and one more point of banality: when you were a kid were you disappointed that so called ‘split top’ bread didn’t have a special buttery flavor at the split? Okay, well I was disappointed. I was also disappointed that the can of Scrubbing Bubbles didn’t have the army of scrubbing bubbles that were featured in the tv ads.
oooh, I just remembered something cool…
The wife of one of my coworkers is going to open a retreat for scrapbookers (i don’t know, they’re into or something) and they will need someone to run the kitchen. Since I worked as their personal chef for a while they are interested in hiring me. I’m not sure I would do it, my job has great benefits and I don’t work evenings or weekends, but this would be an opportunity to do something I love. Something to think about.
Man, I wish I had potato chips.

burrito bol

I hate when i spill on myself when I am eating!
Barring any freak surprises I think I may actually have the kitchen completely unpacked and 95% put away. I need a new silverware holder as my other one just does not fit. I may end up rearranging things, but that’s to be expected.
I wish my weekend had highlights, but sadly the highlights are 1) unpacked 2) did laundry 3) went to coffee shop with the boy and the dog and chilled 4) unpacked 5) did laundry (it’s a small washer) 6) watched movies 7) ate a burrito bowl from chipotle (2 meals) 8) walking around the lake 9) unpacked.
Monday I close on the sale of the house. Thank god. This is the final act of severing from my ex, it is the last tendril connecting us. It’s sad in a way, or it was sad, I had hoped that when we broke up we were doing it in order to preserve the friendship. I was wrong about a great many things, and the hard part was that it took so very long for me to learn that.
And with the closing of the sale of the house comes some cash which I will immediately blow on cheap liquor and loose women. Party at my place and it won’t end ’til somebody loses a liver.
Okay, just kidding, the money is all earmarked for a number of very adult-like and responsible things. Also a couple small, cheap fun things and one very nice dinner for David and I to thank him for practically being a saint about this whole ordeal. I’m very lucky to have found him, it’s not often you get someone so kind. He’s probably too nice for the likes of me, but he hasn’t figured that out yet and I haven’t told him so you just keep your mouths SHUT.
Woo! Now for some grocery shopping and the ordeal of unpacking books and organizing them.
Stay foamy my peeps and stay away from the french fries!