eebo bom bom

I need to update, I know. This weekend was busy. I ftp’d all the pics so that I could photoshop them while at work and hopefully get a couple posts up. They’ll be long. I was busy.
I have so much to write, my head is full of words and some of them, when strung together, actually represent thoughts!
Instead, I’ll follow suit and make a list of the things I need to do before I leave for Florida.
as an aside, I dreamed I was in Alex’s apartment (I’ve been to Florida twice and have not yet seen his place). It was an excessively swanky place, everything done up in white, every amenity provided, even a goofy housekeeper guy who buzzed around dusting the chair before you sat down and wiping up the condensation from your drink every time you picked the glass up. I guess what I’m saying is that I expect Alex to live in some sort of mini-Monaco.
Things that I have to do before I go
an unordered list by Heather
* Bleach and dye hair crayon red
* Buy capris and stylized keds
* Rip cd’s and update iPod
* Make a list of books to get from the library (suggestions??? Please suggest airplane reading and beach/poolside reading. I will need probably 4 books for this trip)
* Go to the library and get the books
* Do laundry
* Write up Ghengis instructions for my dad
* Go to Target to buy dog food (mmm Beneful), laundry soap, dish detergent, dog poop bags, toothbrush.
* Buy groceries so that I can make real food for David (I owe him. You’d think I’d cook more for all I love to cook, but I don’t. Real food, baby, I promise)
* Pack, repack, pack again.
* Pay bills.
So much to do, so few hours to do it in.