dress code

I’m not allowed to wear a shirt that says “I am a corporate whore” so I wear my Old Navy shirt instead. Wearing a shirt that says Old Navy is a lot like wearing a shirt that says “I am a corporate whore” but without getting sent home for the day to think about your clothes. Funny thing is, I own a ton of old navy clothes (they’re cheap and they fit me) and I own 3 shirts that actually say Old Navy on the front as advertisement. I never personally purchased the shirts with the Old Navy logo, they were given to me as part of a closet clean out.
Today I’m totally dressed for the part of hipster-kid corporate whore with my chunky black sketcher sneakers, my cuffed, flared jeans, white long sleeve t-shirt with dark colored Old Navy t-shirt over it (I know it’s supposed to be a long john type shirt, but that’s just too heavy and warm for me), my nerdy girl glasses and my mussed, spikey hair in bleach blond/trailer trash roots.
To turn in 180 degrees…in the news…
Okay, the cops couldn’t give her a ride or an escort or any sort of help?? The best they could do is call ahead to the hospital? Jesus, guys, she had 2 little kids in the back AND you pull her over at gun point. You didn’t think to help? Granted, what the hell was she doing dealing with all this alone, but still…
And the only reason why this is funny is because the gun didn’t go off. If it had, this would have been a much different story.
I despise, absolutely DESPISE the pictures of Terry Schiavo’s “supporters” mourning. I just want to scream, “This was none of your business in the first place. You don’t deserve to act like you’ve lost something. You added to a media circus that should have never taken place. Go fight for something that matters like keeping gays out of the boyscouts since it’s the gays and not the pedophiles that you need to worry about.”
But, hey, it was taco day at work. Yes, the dates on the list are wrong. We have a top notch intranet.
Hey! Can I post more today? We’ll see!