The heat…

My days have been spent hunting anoles, geckos and frogs. That would explain why all the pictures I have are of anoles, geckos, frogs and the likes. Sorry.
Yesterday, however, in the midst of all my nature hunting and documenting, I saw a big blue dragonfly capture a big green dragonfly in mid air, wrestle it to the ground and then commence to chew it apart while it struggles. This resulted in me on my hands and knees with my face inches from the ground. Most people come down here for the liquor and crawfish, I come down for the insectual cannibalism.
Last night, we went into town with Marshall. We had dinner at Coop’s Place, a little dive in the French Quarter. It was just a little bar but the food was phenomenol. One thing after another I ate and was stunned, seafood gumbo, rabbit and sausage jumbalaya, shrimp creole, red beans and rice and fried chicken. Amazing. My body, however, is screaming out for green veggies! The last green veggie I ate was iceberg lettuce in the Atlanta airport! There’s half a head of kale in the fridge…
Anyway, Holly came to visit us at Coop’s. ‘Just for 5 minutes’ she says, oh yeah just five minutes. She spent almost 7 hours with use. 5 minutes my ass. But I was thrilled to meet and spend the evening with Holly, she’s a peach, a plum, a pear and a gingersnap all rolled up together. We ate and drank and laughed and closed down the bar. They even played Semisonic’s ‘Closing Time’ which made me a tad homesick.
We left the bar and headed over to the hotel that Holly’s family owns. I am a retard and I forgot the name of it (it’s kitty corner from the Ursulines Convent) and I forgot to take photos! I think my favorite moment was walking out onto a 4th floor balcony and looking out over the rooftops of the French Quarter. It was so beautiful and peaceful.
Eventually we said our goodnights and drove back to Slidell, making it into bed sometime before sunrise!
I’m posting more pictures but they’re all of lizards and frogs and dogs.
Better pictures soon!