at 7:26am I brought him his coffee

at 8:13, 8:18 and 8:29 I told the dogs to shut the hell up.
I got an invite to Twitter and it seemed all the cool kids were doing the Twitter thing so I went and looked and tried it and. I don’t know. The minutia of my life already get detailed and examined in so many places that I can’t quite get excited about trying to distill it down into 140 characters at a time.
Also, I just don’t text message anymore unless I really have to.
And I’m becoming one of those crabby internet people.
but on the positive side:
1) Bubbo Designs is coming along nicely
2) I am making a lace hijab out of the CTH Lace Merino (my skein is way more blue than shown).
3) started sketching out a new lace pattern, will hopefully get a wrap done by september
4) Now I have to put some pants on.