Stupid Rain, Super David

This past weekend we were lamenting that we’d not had any time to ride our bikes down the creek under the blossoming crabapple trees. It’s just so beautiful to ride around under all those fluffy pink and white trees. Mondays are our only nights home together and I suggested a ride and a picnic.
David ran to the store after work and picked up all the necessary picnic foods and a bottle of wine. We packed up the back packs and got our bikes out and …and…and
It started raining. Of course it did. The rain had held out all day. The weather reports told of diminishing chances of rain as the day went on. I had hope. Since the rain was so light I suggested that we head out anyway, perhaps it was just a quick shower that would be over soon. 2 blocks away it turned into a deluge. We sought shelter under the awning at the coffee shop and reconsidered our options. With that much rain, even if it did stop soon the ground would be too wet for a picnic. We headed home.
Then we tossed everything in the car and headed over to Minnehaha Falls. The covered picnic pavillion was closed off but the covered bandstand was just begging to be used. We spread out the blanket just in time to watch the sun come out.
the fun part was surrepticiously pouring our wine into plastic cups as it is illegal to drink in public like that! We’re scofflaws!

oh dang

Went to lunch at Pho 70, got me the 35 (soup with egg noodles, shrimp and pork wontons and shredded pork) and a mocha bubble tea because I totally need the fat and calories. 2 hours later, completely nauseous and headachy. 4 hours later I’m in my car in a chilled sweat wondering if it’s a good idea to drive home. Dang, I hate when the slightly sketchy vietnamese restaurant makes you sick!
To top it all off, I found out that Mike Doughty’s doing a free concert in River Falls tomorrow! I totally want to go! David and I had afternoon and evening plans and he very graciously let me out of them, but I decided to stick with my plans. The sixth sense is saying shrugging on previous engagements to go to Wisconsin might be a bad idea. Well, the sixth sense is totally saying “stay the hell away from Wisconsin this weekend!!!!!”
Or something like that. I’ve learned to listen to my gut, even if my gut is spasming and roiling with southeast asian pain!
Also, I had a really fucked up dream about our commander in chief and I was totally going to convey it to you but then I realized that with all this patriot act bullshit I might actually find myself in some Kafka-esque nightmare, hidden away from sunlight and good food for the rest of my life. Dammit. I think the Irish Boy was right, we are losing it over here.
Okay, enough with the sick belly ramblings. I’m off to curl up on the sofa and die a little more.

Thank you

Thank you to everyone who donated so far to the 2007 Humane Society’s Walk for the Animals. The response has been amazing. When I started out I set my goal at $160 figuring it would just be a low key way to raise money for a good cause and do something positive to mend the pain of losing my little Ghengis.
Then I had to keep raising my goal because I kept reaching it.
Today I got over the $1300 mark and I am one of the top individual fundraisers. Thank you to everyone who donated to this cause. This is proof that I am not the only one who was affected by Ghengis and his super fella magic! He was my little guy and I will always be proud of this.
And to be fair, a lot of thanks goes to David! A few weeks ago he came home with a book called “Remembering my Pet“. It’s a book for kids who have recently lost a pet. It asks you questions about your pet and you fill in the questions, write down your stories and memories, you also get to draw and color in the book. This book is the reason why David amazes me in such a consistent way. Here I am, almost 34, most people, if they were going to buy me a book about pet grief, would buy me something written by a renowned grief psychologist, over 200 pages long and with no place to draw a picture of a whale shark or a hippo. David saw that book and knew I needed it. I may not have known it, but I needed THAT book. I cried and cried and then I drew pictures of Ghengis, and I remembered many of his ‘firsts’ and I talked about his favorite things and how much I loved him
Part of the book discussed things to do after your pet dies, things to make it better. Like making a memorial or doing charity work for animals. And there it was. Suddenly it was clear. Stop grieving and start doing something. The next day I signed up for the walk and I have felt better ever since.
And lets not forget that David is truly the captain of the fun and the mr amazing of the support!
Thanks, David! I love you!

and here I thought I was being clever

We can file this in the box labeled “incredibly fun but ultimately stupid ideas”
I love Cheerios. I don’t know why, but I do. I adore Cheerios. This is strange because I used to be sort of opinionless about Cheerios, now I can’t get enough.
More specifically, the Effexor makes me crave certain foods and I must eat huge amounts of whatever I am craving on an almost daily basis. Right now it’s Cheerios and baby carrots (I just ate a pound of baby carrots for lunch). I suppose it could be worse. I could crave frosting and veal, or deep fried twinkies, or hell, booze for that matter. If it were booze then most of these posts would be “oh my god! I’m so drunk right now and I was so drunk all the time”. So, luckily, right now it’s Cheerios and baby carrots. Once it was red meat and I bought 2 steaks, barely cooked them and ate them mostly raw. Very Rosemary’s Baby.
I also love to soak in the tub. Our shower head broke a couple weeks back and needed to be replaced and I was not in a hurry to replace it as it meant I got to get in the tub and read every night. The shower head got replaced this weekend (thanks mom!) but I still got in the tub last night.
The best thing in the world (right now at least) is soaking in the tub with a book and a gigantic bowl of Cheerios. I don’t mean like just a big bowl, I mean like I take a midsized mixing bowl and fill it with Cheerios. Last nigth David was setting me up with my Cheerios and he grabbed a good sized Glad Ware container for me to use. As I waited for him to bring the Cheerios, milk and sugar (he’s really awesome. Have I told you that? super awesome.) I realized that the bowl floated in the water. Well yay! we stuck the bowl in the water, added cereal, milk and sugar and there I was devouring the SS Heart Healthy!
I was like the health conscious Godzilla reigning in terror over my little O victims.
The thing about Glad Ware is that it is very thin, and as such, not necessarily a good insulator. Soon enough the milk took on the temperature of the tub water and the Amazingly Fun Cheerio Adventure became the Kinda Weird Warm Cheerio Exercise in Commitment to Finishing The Giant Bowl Because I said I would.
Lesson learned I guess.