…and we fly coach

we’re so damned low class we’re drinkin’ our red wine outta white wine glasses!
Also, David ordered new checks tonight and he’s getting “What’s wrong with being Awesome?” printed in the extra line under the address and “From the Orphans’ Christmas Fund…to You” above the signature line. Personally, I think he should have gotten the “Life on the Farm” checks, but what are you gonna do?
Today, Chester went to the dog park for the first time. He was happy enough to see the people, but too scared and nippy around the other dogs. We’ll just have to keep taking him and socializing him. We’ll get him enrolled in obedience classes, too, that will help immensely. it was 15 fucking degrees out. We didn’t stay long.
blah blah blah
(analworld, vaginal plunger, clown car, meatball subs, biggus dickus)