
I must do this quickly as I need to sleep soon.
Friday night? Nothing. Watched Sealab 2021. Nothing.
Saturday? Helped the Betsy half of ‘Jetsy’ prepare the food for her birthday party. Got 2 new recipes for my grandfather’s 80’th birthday bash this coming weekend. Word of advice to people…please PLEASE make sure your knives are properly sharpened before you have someone come help you! I generated a blister at the base of my index finger from fine dicing butternut squash and toasted hazelnuts with a dull knife.
I spent all day at Betsy’s dicing and mixing and sauteeing and being the dog advice person. I left early in the evening with enough time to come home, shower, dress and head back over. The party was delightfully fun, Betsy looked fabulous in her dress! And I must say the food was top-notch.
Sunday! Today we went to brunch and made faces at each other and giggled.
Home with a couple hours to spare before heading over to the Lee’s for SuperBowl festivities. The game was not so exciting this year and Mick Jagfer made me want to rip the veins out of my body. The Seahawks suck.
After the SuperBowl proper we watched the PuppyBowl! Holy crap! On one level it’s just a bunch of puppies playing, not terribly exciting. I mean they’re just playing, they’re not racing or doing agility tests or anything. On the other hand IT’S A BUNCH OF PUPPIES PLAYING!!! So damned cute. That poodle puppy was a fucking jackass though.
It’s late. I need to pull out the notebook and get started on my lists for the party. I think the hardest part is going to be coordinating getting everything over to my sister’s place. The party’s over there, but I’m making the food. I don’t really want to cook it over there, I don’t like using other people’s kitchens (not that I don’t like them, it’s just that I know my kitchen, i know where everything is, i know my tools, I know my way around) and I think it would be best if we kept the mess over there to a minimum. We’ll figure it out. I’m not stressing on this at all.