Thank you to everyone who donated so far to the 2007 Humane Society’s Walk for the Animals. The response has been amazing. When I started out I set my goal at $160 figuring it would just be a low key way to raise money for a good cause and do something positive to mend the pain of losing my little Ghengis.
Then I had to keep raising my goal because I kept reaching it.
Today I got over the $1300 mark and I am one of the top individual fundraisers. Thank you to everyone who donated to this cause. This is proof that I am not the only one who was affected by Ghengis and his super fella magic! He was my little guy and I will always be proud of this.
And to be fair, a lot of thanks goes to David! A few weeks ago he came home with a book called “Remembering my Pet“. It’s a book for kids who have recently lost a pet. It asks you questions about your pet and you fill in the questions, write down your stories and memories, you also get to draw and color in the book. This book is the reason why David amazes me in such a consistent way. Here I am, almost 34, most people, if they were going to buy me a book about pet grief, would buy me something written by a renowned grief psychologist, over 200 pages long and with no place to draw a picture of a whale shark or a hippo. David saw that book and knew I needed it. I may not have known it, but I needed THAT book. I cried and cried and then I drew pictures of Ghengis, and I remembered many of his ‘firsts’ and I talked about his favorite things and how much I loved him
Part of the book discussed things to do after your pet dies, things to make it better. Like making a memorial or doing charity work for animals. And there it was. Suddenly it was clear. Stop grieving and start doing something. The next day I signed up for the walk and I have felt better ever since.
And lets not forget that David is truly the captain of the fun and the mr amazing of the support!
Thanks, David! I love you!