Screw you, spam

The comment spam has been building up quite a bit lately. I regularly junk 10-15 comments from my site and I know that is low compared to some sites. It’s all useless crap unless you want your penis enlarged or you are looking for a hot tip in the penny stock world.
I’m looking at 2 options for authentication. One is to have you commenters leave a legit email address. I know that some of you don’t want to post your email address. The other is to use TypeKey. I’m leaning towards TypeKey because it is a solid program and while you have to give TypeKey a valid email for authentication purposes, it does not have to be published when you comment on the site.
I know some of you are all like “I don’t want to give out my email because blah blah blah” and I can appreciate that. Sort of. So, leave a comment, tell me what you think and I’ll make my decision in a day or two. Fair enough?