This is the thing that is thing-like

It’s 6:30pm and I have only consumed one apple and one americano. This has left me a little cranky and a tad irritable. Of course, the obvious solution is to eat something, but you know….
Actually, I’ve been forgetting to eat more and more often lately. So far my pants show no visible benefit to this new regime of coffee, carrots and utter forgetfulness.
In other (ravelry) related news (otherwise known as ‘how I spent my money’)
I am 3/4 of the way done with the Spiderweb Cardigan. I’m loving it, but I am hating my inability to put together an non-retarded seam. I made it in a light lime green. Weird? I don’t know, we’ll see.
I’m also working on my first of too many Pirate Hats. Since the pattern is in graph form it was too easy to convert to crochet after finding the right gauge and all. It whips up fairly easily, unless you aren’t paying attention and forget that it’s TWO decreases per iteration and then you have to rip out the top when you realize that it just doesn’t seem to be closing up properly. Oh well, after the first one things always get better.
I picked up fiberfill so I could recommence with the weird dinosaur/prehistoric animal project. I found a pattern that would work perfectly for either an ammonite or orthocerus depending on how you finish it. Someone needs to have a nerd baby.
After my work on the pirate hats I decided that I could probably handle Fair Isle/Shetland/Norwegian patterns. I bought some wool yarn and I am going to make a felted purse using a repeated Norwegian chart. I cannot start that until I finish off a few things first.
I also picked up the yarn to do this pattern. I’m not sure why I like it so much (besides the fact that the pattern is dead easy). Everyone else gives me very guarded responses when i ask their opinions. I’ll make it. If you later see a horrid big cowl sweater in a heather rose color at the Goodwill, you know what happened.
I need to go add arms to my cardigan and pull out a row of the pirate hat.
ps I wrote this post with my T key popped off. I hate when it does that.