Happy Happy with the Easter and all!
Since my dad had to fly his poptycopters saving lives today (he flies MediVac helicopters) we did Easter at his place last Sunday which meant I got to spend Easter at my mom’s today.
Absolutely perfect perfect day for a drive. We bundled the jerkasses into the car and started off. First order of business was to get coffee, THEN it was off to the high holy easter sunday breakfast picked up from the McDonalds drive thru! Sausage egg mcmuffins, hash browns, orange juice! McDeath!
Easter dinner at my mom’s was lovely seared lambchops, asparagus, bread, tzatziki and cherry cobbler.
After simple holy day chillin’ with my mom and the dogs we headed down to David’s sister’s place to spend some time with his family since his mom is in town for a week or so.
The dogs had a great big crazy day. Got to go to my mom’s, they tried to eat her cats (not that they would have succeeded, her cats are mean!) then at Julie’s Ghengis ran his little ass off in the back yard. Maddie tried to beat up Mia, the sweetest little rottweiler in the world. Mia, being so sweet, just rolled on her back for Maddie. Ghengis even snuck under the fence into the neighbor’s yard and I had to lure him back with cookies.
Now they are major passed out and I’m exhausted.
Happy easter, party people!