This is Chester. He’s a 6 month old rat terrier and corgi mix. He’s very sweet and a little shy and he is the newest member of the family. I was a little worried that Maddie would be defensive about a new dog in her home but I was wrong. Maddie is thrilled peachy to have another little dog to play with. I really underestimated how close Maddie was with Ghengis and I underestimated how much she missed him. Maddie is nothing but happy to have this little guy here even if he is too shy to play right now.
And, let’s be honest, it’s doing me a world of good to bring some happiness into my home. I won’t stop grieving for Ghengis for a long time. I really loved Ghengis with all my heart. I just want to funnel a lot of that energy into something more positive than crying jags and hiding from the world. I am not moving on from Ghengis, I don’t think I ever could, but I am adding to my heart another dog.
And you can’t argue with loving another dog.
Oh, also, as much as I would have loved naming him Riblet, David just did not like the name. This dog is ours to share and we had to agree on the name and Chester it is.
Please welcome Chester to the family.