Repost for 01/22/09

Because of the events in the news, I wanted to reiterate what I had posted a couple months ago. I especially want to stress that defending the rights of victims is easy, it takes little effort to elicit an emotional response and use that to your advantage. The real work comes from defending the rights of the despised and unpopular.
From 01/22/09:
So today is the 36th anniversary of Roe v Wade. I have a request for those who support the Roe v Wade decision and the right to choose. Can we please stop using the ‘victim of rape or incest’ argument? I know, it’s hot button and all that, but really, it detracts from the real issue. The real issue, the real argument, is that decisions regarding the health and well being of my body, decisions regarding how my body will exist should remain between me and my doctor. There is not a single other person out there that has the right to interfere with those decisions. If a woman is pregnant it does not matter how or why she is pregnant. She has the right to make a decision regarding that pregnancy and she will make it with her doctor and that decision will be based on sound medical advice that comes from scientific fact, not emotional arguments.
A woman needs to make sound, reasoned choices when it comes to her body. The choice to have a baby is a serious and life changing decision. Having a baby is something that should happen when you are ready, not because of dogma and threats.
The ‘victim of incest or rape’ is a false argument that could backfire. What happens if it’s agreed that they should be available for the poor victims…but for no one else? We have to defend the premise where it stands and not where the other side might agree.
And could I love Barack Obama any more than I do?
His statement released today:

On the 36th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, we are reminded that this decision not only protects women’s health and reproductive freedom, but stands for a broader principle: that government should not intrude on our most private family matters. I remain committed to protecting a woman’s right to choose.
While this is a sensitive and often divisive issue, no matter what our views, we are united in our determination to prevent unintended pregnancies, reduce the need for abortion, and support women and families in the choices they make. To accomplish these goals, we must work to find common ground to expand access to affordable contraception, accurate health information, and preventative services.
On this anniversary, we must also recommit ourselves more broadly to ensuring that our daughters have the same rights and opportunities as our sons: the chance to attain a world-class education; to have fulfilling careers in any industry; to be treated fairly and paid equally for their work; and to have no limits on their dreams. That is what I want for women everywhere.