Yesterday I wrote a very very very long email abou the politics of ice cream. It was silly. Who knew there could be so much to be said about ice cream? Well, no one except me, no one worries about the politics of ice cream as much as I do. I will sign the Ben and Jerry’s accord if I have to.
The politics of the dog park are a wholly different thing. I go to 2 different parks here in town (one is more fenced in and has trash cans and water bowls, but the other has nicer grounds and you can watch the planes take off and land). Dogs have their own politics and they’re all about establishing their own hierarchy quite often to their owner’s chagrin. They prety much spend most of their time together mock-beating each other to figure out who’s strongest. We owners should trust that they will be fine, but if your dog is getting beat up (like ghengis and the weimaraners or ghengis and the pit bull or ghengis and that dick poodle mix ass dog) you want to protect your dog. If your dog is doing the beating (ghengis and the corgi, ghengis and the lab/boston terrier mix, ghengis and the overly shy goldenn retriever) you want to grab your dog as fast as possible and apologize and get him to a different group of dogs as fast as possible.
But dogs are fine, they sort of know the rules (mostly) and they figure stuff out pretty quickly.
So, I went to sign the papers for the offer. The initial offer isn’t terrible, it’s in the acceptable range. Once you factor in the fact that we’re to pay for their closing costs you realize the offer is in fact considerably lower. Oh well, I chalk it up to the price you pay to move on.
I also had to spend 8.2 million years in the cable company office trying to straighten out the clusterfuck that is their billing department. From what I can tell, this is what happened…
I went in to change the name and the billing info on the account in my house after jen moved out. It didn’t work. I went in again to do it again, change the account to my name, have them stop debiting her account and start sending me the bills. It didn’t work. I went in again. I filled out some completely different forms and they assured me that they’s run this downstairs and email the guy who made the changes.
Well, I never ever got a bill but every month they called me saying I hadn’t paid my bill and I said, “well, here’s my debit card number, I’ll pay it now. Please start sending my bills.”
They called me the other day but I hadn’t had a chance to call them back yet and it wasn’t critical, they hadn’t turned off my internet access. Yet.
But…they did turn off Jen’s access! Seems they changed the name on the account. They changed the name on her NEW account, leaving her on the old account. I’d been paying her internet access all along, but my slowness to respond to the call got everything shut down and brought to light.
We’re not done yet. Since they obviously fucked up the name change it stands to reason they fucked up the billing as well. Well, yeah. So I’m paying her monthly bill oer the phone every month for the internet access in her new apartment. The billing for the internet access for the house I live in is being charged to Jen’s bank account, but the account number got changed because of some security issue unrelated to all this. Every month Time Warner tries to charge my internet access to an account that doesn’t exist and every month it gets denied. So the bill for the house is very very high as it’s been accumulating for a while, but my internet access has not been turned off.
Also, Jen’s been paying for something, we just don’t know what. Perhaps her payments are going for internet access for some 3rd party we don’t even know about.
I am not looking forward to moving and having to set this all up again. Also I hate Time Warner.
Anyway, back to rambling…
When you get an offer on the house and it’s no longer on the market or being shown you can relax a little, which is nice. You don’t have to be so vigilant about being clean. You can debate whether or not to pee on the kitchen floor (still ‘NO’ but worthy of discussion).
Okay, anybody in the twin cities area looking to rent half a duplex to me and my dog and perhaps eventually the boy? need 2 bedrooms, laundry and yard for kind of, but not completely cheapie.