January’s places, February’s places

For the month of January Bubbo Designs committed to donate 15% of total sales to the Darfur Stove program. Calculating sales both on etsy and in person as well as products I traded for help or services I got a figure of about $42. I had hoped to raise $50 so I figured I’d just round it up.
For the month of January we will be donating $50 to the Darfur Stove project, this will buy two and a ‘half’ stoves and will provide hope and stability in a very real way for some very real people.
For the month of February, 15% of sales will be donated to the Women for Women Congo project. In the area between the villages of Goma and Bukavu thousands of women seek out the safety of the refugee camps. These women are not only the Congolese, but also Rwandans who fled during their war, lost everything and still have no where to go.
These women are not merely refugees of war but victims of the cruelest weapon used in a war, rape. Raped, beaten and abused many of these women find themselves with the added insult of fistulas resulting from such treatment. Instead of finding help or support of their families they are shunned and despised.
No family, no home, permanently bent bodies, no hope. They flee their pain and shame and fear and if luck should smile on them, they might end up at the Panzi Hospital where the physical pains are treated along with the psychological.
The problem is stunningly overwhelming and yet we hear very little about it. 15% of Bubbo Designs sales won’t make much of a difference to the whole problem, but it might help one woman. That one woman could be a single mother and as a result her family would be helped.
All help starts with a single act and a single person.