
The sky is manic depressive today. Sunny, cloudy, uplifting, oppressive. I seriously considered leaving early to make sure I could get Ghengis to the dog park before sunset. Then it got cloudy and cold. Then it got sunny again. grrr.
I got my flu shot! FLU SHOT! I was under strict strict orders to get it last year and of course I ignored the doctors and of course i got my ass kicked so hard. This year I did it. Why not, it was free and you get a cookie (one made with crisco, but I’m not going to get all picky about my free flu shot cookie).
And I learned something today! if you have an overwhelming fear of needles, the best way to get a flu shot is to go up with someone with an even worse fear of needles and promise her that everything will be okay. I had to be brave for her and therefore ended up being brave for me! And I got a cookie!
I think all moments of discomfort should be followed up by cookies.
How does a car make the blinker noise? Do car manufacturers actually record the blinker noise to be played in a synchronized fashion with your blinker? Is there a tiny speaker somewhere in the car emitting the blinker noise? For the entire time I owned my Saab, people were always commenting on the blinker noise it made. it was louder than most cars and somewhat more roundy in tone. The volvo (Mabel) has a regular blinker noise that is not much to comment on.
I think I am going to have to bite the bullet and buy a carpet cleaner for myself for my christmas present. I want the special green on with the special 5 rotating brushes (and if i weren’t so lazy, I’d go find the name and the link).
and now it’s time for ‘heather’s retarded conversation corner’
H: I forgot to bring my leftovers for lunch today. I should have it for dinner.
D: (eating something) yeah mrrph can have mrrrph peenacs mrph with it.
H: I can have penis with it? What??
D: No! You can have spinach with it!
And that was me thinking my boyfriend was using my dinner to hit on me in some crude and perplexing way.