I know it’s tacky, but this message isn’t necessarily for you, my beloved readers, but also my mom and dad and anyone else who needs to get me a christmas gift.
Here is my Amazon wish list. The bread machine, the alien quadrilogy, the cheese primer….sigh. Or, for things off the list, bubble bath! I’m always looking for bubble bath and bath related things in citrusy scents. Or dog toys, or kitchen things or a solid gold rocket car or movies or books or chocolate…
I know, I suck, but I’m also all about efficiency.
tonight it’s fake meat chicken and dumplings, comfort food. Big big bowls of comfort food! Saturday was fake meat chicken molé with spiced black beans and rice. I heated the molé too much and it got too thick but did not burn. NTS, d not overheat molé.
Tomorrow, squash risotto.
Just about time to start dinner, David is at class and maybe I can time this out correctly.
oh, also, yes, progress is being made on the new site. I’ve become rather link heavy in my recent posts meking copying them over rather tedious and boring. I’m getting help with color and design now, which is good. Hopefully I can go live with this site soon and get rid of this old one. Last night it started asking me for a password and would not display my images. You’re doing a bang up job, guys! Thanks for being the hosts with the most!
Dinner time. Break it down.